Webinar: Process Integration for the Energy Transition in Industry
Start date 2020-11-30 14:00
End date 2020-11-30 17:00
This webinar is a joint effort between the IETS TCP and the energy section of EFCE – European Federation of Chemical Engineering. The main aims are to discuss the role of process integration for deep decarbonization and energy transition in industry and to identify needs for further international work.
Watch the webinar on Youtube:
Venue: Online
Registration: On 25 November at the latest, using the online form
Programme and more information: Invitation (pdf)
Keynote speakers:
Prof François Marechal (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ‐ EPFL, Switzerland)
“ On the role of process integration in industrial symbiosis for the energy transition”
Prof. Simon Harvey (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden):
“Assessing the benefits of industrial symbiosis measures in a system perspective – Case studies from Sweden”
Dr. Luciana Savulescu (CanmetENERGY, Canada):
“Process Integration for Effective Decarbonization and Eco-efficient Industrial Processes Development”
Prof Liang Dong (City university of Hong Kong)
“Industrial metabolism and industrial symbiosis potential: Material & Energy Flows Analysis in a steel plant industrial complex”
More EFCE events
The European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) is organising a series of free virtual spotlight talks on significant topics in Chemical Engineering, of which this event is one. Eleven of the technical groups (Working Parties and Sections) are delivering short sessions of three or four talks by leading industrial and academic experts from 23 November to 4 December. For more information, visit the event website.