Joint Workshop with ETSAP
Start date 2025-04-10 13:30
End date 2025-04-10 17:30
An online workshop will be held on April 10, 2025, on the topic of Industrial sector modelling in energy system models. The workshop is co-organized by two IEA Technology Collaboration Programs (TCP): the Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems (IETS TCP) and the Energy Technology Analysis System Programme (ETSAP). The workshop aims to develop a common understanding of the challenges of industrial transition towards decarbonization and of the utility of different approaches to modelling this transition, with a focus on energy system-wide interactions such as how industrial decarbonization can potentially contribute to carbon removal (negative emissions) and electrical grid balancing.
NB! Call for abstracts is open until 3 March
More information about the workshop, call for abstract etc. is available in the attached Call for proposal document.
Registration for the workshop is not yet open. Please contact Etienne Bernier for more information.
Full programme
7h30 EDT, 13h30 CEST: General introduction
- 5-10 minutes welcome address from an ExCo member at ETSAP and IETS
- 10-15 minutes Crash course on how energy system models work and why they may
sometimes provide discordant results about industrial decarbonization pathways.
8h00 EDT, 14h00 CEST: Short presentations (3x 25 minutes or 4x 20 minutes TBD) from ETSAP community illustrating decarbonization pathways for industrial sectors within an economywide energy system modelling framework.
9h15 EDT, 15h15 CEST: 10-15 minute break
9h30 EDT, 15h30 CEST: Short presentations (4x 20 minutes) from IETS community
/stakeholders illustrating various efforts to model industrial decarbonization.
10h50 EDT, 16h50 CEST: Discussion with both sets of panelists around the following questions:
- What are the key strengths of the modelling approaches presented?
- How can those approaches feed each other to improve industrial decarbonization
modelling? - What specific aspects deserve more attention to accurately assess the industry sector
potential for carbon removal, electrical grid balancing and other system-wide
interactions? - Would it be worthwhile to collaborate on modelling data collection?
11h20 EDT, 17h20 CEST: Concluding remarks
- Workshop summary and identification of key topics for follow-up workshops, with the audience invited to chime in in the chat as well
11h30 EDT, 17h30 CEST: End of webinar
For more information, please contact Etienne Bernier , ETSAP, or Johanna Mossberg, IETS TCP.