Privacy Policy
Data Controller
CIT Industriell Energi, through the IETS Secretariat, is responsible for obtaining, storing and using personal data at this website. Please contact Heléne Johansson at the IETS Secretariat if you have any questions about the handling of personal data.
Subscriptions and events
Personal data (name and email address) submitted to us when subscribing to our newsletter is only stored as long as you remain a subscriber. When you unsubscribe we delete your contact details.
Personal data (name, address, phone number and email address) submitted to us when signing up for a workshop, seminar or conference is stored for administrative puposes, but only as long as necessary.
Personal data will not be disclosed to a third party.
Right to access personal data
Do you want to know if the IETS Secretariat handles any personal data about you, please send a signed request to Heléne Johansson at the IETS Secretariat. You have the right to know what personal data that we store and use and also to have the data corrected.