Reports from Annex XVI – Energy Efficiency in SMEs
This Annex has delivered one report from each of the four tasks, so far:
I. Energy policies and programs towards industrial SMEs
- Description of the country specific context: Energy mix, overall country energy use, part of energy used by industrial SMEs, etc.
- Overview of policies and programs implemented: Subsidies, administrative polices, energy audit checks, investment funds, networks, general information campaigns incl. self-scanning, and benchmarking methods, i.e. the possibilities for SMEs to compare their energy use.
- Feedback and outcomes: Overview of the experience, e.g. difficulties met during implementation of the program/policy, outcome in terms of energy saved in relation to e.g. public money invested in the program, and advantages/disadvantages with various designs.
II. Energy efficiency technologies and their potentials and barriers to implementation in industrial SMEs
- Allocation of energy use in industrial SMEs (bottom-up), through whole site energy audit or survey part results, including concrete examples on where energy is used; production processes, HVAC, lighting, pumping, compressed air, etc.
- Comparison of energy efficiency potentials in industrial SMEs through whole site energy audit or improvement proposal part results, including concrete examples on where the energy efficiency could be improved (same as for i. above).
- Review of main energy efficiency measures with short descriptions, energy savings, return on investments, advantages and disadvantages for various industrial SME sectors (with one concrete reference example).
- Overview of major barriers to energy efficiency in industrial SMEs based on previous studies
- Suggestions for further categorization of industrial SMEs (common definition but further elaborated) based on results from subtask i and ii.
III. Methods and tools to achieve energy efficiency in industrial SMEs
- Benchmarking methods and tools: Overview, analysis and mapping of existing tools, practical examples of the use, including experience sharing.
- Technical auditing methods and tools: Overview, analysis and mapping of existing tools, practical examples of the use, including experience sharing.
- Energy management methods and tools. Overview of the adoption level of energy management practices, practical examples of the use of EMS (Energy Management Systems) and standardization. Overview of other energy management tools towards industrial SMEs including practical examples and experience sharing.
- Overview of emerging technologies and process integration (methods and tools) in order to achieve energy efficiency improvements, as well as case studies on the implementation of these.
IV. Energy services towards industrial SMEs
- Overview of business models and energy service offers by consulting firms, utilities, and ESCOs with practical examples of business models and offers including type of technologies treated.
- Feedback and outcomes: Experience of various models and services (e.g. TPC and EPC), difficulties met during the use of various business models/implementation of various energy services, including advantages and disadvantages in regards to, local context, type of technology etc. This task will also include so called Micro firms.