Joint workshop on IETS annex proposal
Start date 2020-11-11 14:00
End date 2020-11-11 17:00
“Decarbonizing industrial systems in a circular economy framework” is the suggested title for a new Annex being defined by the IETS collaboration. The aim of the proposed Annex is to describe industrial energy systems in the context of a sustainable, fossil-free economy. This online workshop will be used to further shape and scope the proposal.
Sustainability is a broad topic. From a resource perspective, it is in particular the concept of the circular economy that is intended for a sustainable future. From an energy perspective, the concept is a sustainable energy system that is based on renewable energies and is extremely energy efficient. Decarbonization, i.e. the greatest possible avoidance of fossil fuels, is a central element in both. Both concepts place demands on future industrial energy systems and industrial processes.
Both concepts do not always go hand in hand. The “doctrine” of the circular economy demands that resources be reused or recycled. The (sometimes huge amounts of) energy required for this is of secondary importance. Moreover, the concept of circular economy is not transferable to energy: Although energy can be used efficiently and in a cascade, reuse is not possible (in the sense applied to raw materials). The recycling of carbon or CO2 is of particular relevance here. This molecule also has the greatest overlap with regard of being addressed within the concepts, because the supply of raw materials often relies on fossil carbon. The capture of carbon, its preparation for storage and the reuse as an energy source or non-energetic raw material is a central area of interaction between the circular economy and the sustainable energy system.
For more information, please contact Simon Moser, Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, who is coordinating this Annex proposal, or IETS TCP Chair Thore Berntsson for more information.