Online workshop: Widening the perspective on Circular Carbon: from potentials to practical experience
Start date 2024-02-29 14:00
End date 2024-02-29 17:00
The aim of IETS Task XIX Subtask 2 Circular Carbon is a systemic look at the topic of carbon capture in industry. While the Subtask focuses on industrial topics, it aims to also provide a holistic overview by means of exchange with thematically related projects/tasks from other IETS Tasks or IEA TCPs.
The aim of this first workshop is to provide a general overview of different activities. In the discussion, we want to identify overlaps and, based on this, discuss how networking can be continued. The workshop focuses on networking at the level of tasks and projects; it is a non-goal to coordinate the cooperation of the TCPs as a whole.
This workshop is organized in cooperation with the C-CED Circular-Carbon Economy Demonstration project, a flagship project within the framework of the Austrian energy model region WIVA P&G, and one of the projects nominated by the Austrian consortium to contribute to IETS Task XXI. C-CED aims for the demonstration and coupling of various CO2 capture and CO2 utilization technologies to establish a sustainable and closed carbon cycle, while including an inter-seasonal storage function for renewable energy. Therefore, it perfectly fits into the topic of subtask Circular Carbon.
Registration: Please register for the workshop:
Please provide your name, institution, country, and relation to IEA TCPs, TCP’s Tasks, Task’s groups or group’s projects.
The Zoom Link will be sent to you one day in advance of the workshop.
For more information: Please contact Task Manager Simon Moser.