Task XXI meeting

Start date 2024-04-09 08:30

End date 2024-04-09 18:00

Lendplatz 36-38 8020 Graz – Austria


08:30 am: Get together & coffee

09:00 am: intro, recap

  • Overview on the content/work defined in the subtask proposals and on Jan 17th

09:30 Updates (5-15 minutes)

  • Plans for a workshop on “Integration of carbon capture in industry” – activity 2.A (MU Leoben)
  • LCA & CO2-related taxonomy from subtask 1 – activity 2.B (EI-JKU)
  • Carbon sankey in heavy industry – activity 2.B (PoliTo/BOKU)
  • Plans for a CCUS survey among industrial companies – topic 2 (AIT)

10:30 am: work on energy- and carbon-related I.U.S. facilitation tools – topic 6 & including activity 3.B+3.C (SDU)

11:45 am: I.U.S. Technology Briefs (RISE)

12:30 pm: Lunch

01.30 pm: work on denomination of decarbonization – topic 1 (UMich)

02:00 pm: work on CCUS value chains – topic 5 (EI-JKU)

03:30 pm: concrete potential topics / cooperative work for task continuation from Jan 2025 on

  • Continuation of current work (activities, topics)
  • CC+U stakeholders inventory (topic 3)
  • CCU(S) legal status in different countries, internaionally, potentially in collaboration with IEAGHG (Circular Carbon workshop)

05:00 pm: Meeting with Task 11, subtask leaders plus everyone interested from IETS-21 (plus everyone interested from IETS-11)

06:00 pm: Walk to ISEC welcome reception (Burg in Graz, Hofgasse 15, 8010 Graz)

Please contact Task Manager Simon Moser for more information