How can digitalization and AI reduce GHG emissions in the process industry?
Digitalization, artificial intelligence and related technologies represent disruptive technologies that could have an important ability to render processes to be much more productive in the future – and with this, result in significant reductions in GHG emissions. A new Annex is now being launched within the IETS TCP aiming at stimulating the adoption of digitalization technologies for energy efficiency improvement and GHG emissions reduction in the process industry.
The targeted technical sector for this Annex includes large final industrial emitters – such as the forestry, the mining and smelting, oil and gas, energy production, and chemical and fertilizer sectors, to name a few – that are responsible for much of industrial GHG emissions in the IETS member countries.
The new Annex seeks to advance knowledge and development of digitalization, artificial intelligence and related technologies to improve the economic and environmental performance of targeted energy and GHG-intensive industries. The initiative would seek to assemble a network of academic, research labs, IT providers and process industry stakeholders to cooperate on the availability, quality and use of data (quality, quantity, location, operational, energy, etc.), to align capacity and inform decision-making relevant to the targeted sectors.
Please contact the IETS Secretariat for more information about how to participate in this Annex.
Paul Stuart, Montréal Polytechnique, is designated Task Manager for Task 1 and Mouloud Amazouz, CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada, is the Annex Manager.
Read the proposal (project definition) for Task 1, Assessment Studies