Topic Sheet: Industrial Excess Heat Recovery – Technologies and Applications, Task 2
Topic sheet no 8, December 2019 (click link for download)
There is an increasing awareness about industrial excess heat as a potential resource for contributing to an improved economy and sustainability in larger systems. Some important areas, covered by this topic sheet, are:
- Methodology on how to perform an inventory in practice
- Evaluation and inventory of excess heat levels
- Possible policy instruments and the influence on future use of excess heat
The topic sheet is based on the Final Report from Annex XV Task 2, published at the IETS website in 2019. There is also a topic sheet covering the first phase of this Annex, based on the Final report from Phase (Task) 1. Annex XV, Task 3, started in November 2019.
The full report as well as information about current projects can be found here at the website, Annexes section.