Drivers and Barriers for the Transformation of Industrial Energy, Technologies and Systems
Start date 2024-12-01
End date 2025-12-31
Recent Developments
The proposal for this new Task was approved by the IETS ExCo on 26 September 2024. The Task will start during fall 2024.
A relevant feature of this Task is the cooperation and collaboration with Mission Innovation Net-zero Industries Mission (NIM).
Read the short description in the promotion sheet
Task Members
A list of participation countries and organisations will be posted soon. Please contact the Task Managements for more infromation about participation.
Task Manager
Sophie Knöttner, Center for Energy Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austria.
Thore Berntsson, CIT Renergy, Sweden
In this Task the need for organization, new approaches, collaboration between many
stakeholders and system thinking will be discussed and, when applicable, experiences
will be shared. It is therefore a new type of Task in IETS with, in principle no direct
coupling to the ongoing more technical ones. It will complement the more technical and
techno-economic system work in the already completed and ongoing Tasks and can be
seen as a follow-up of the need for non-technical knowledge improvement discussed in
the IETS expert workshop in Vienna 2019.
Objectives and Scope
The necessary transformation of process industry globally towards radical GHG mitigation is a huge challenge. In addition to technical and techno-economic system R&D and case studies, factors of importance and enablers for successful realization of decarbonization projects and technologies are e. g.:
- economy, financing, operability, uncertainties with new technologies,
- policy instruments, risk abatement,
- system consequences/ optimization/ process integration (with complex changes)
- business models,
- cooperation between stakeholders, often from different sectors or fields
Subtask 1
Organisation of Work
The work in this first Subtask will go on for one year and will mainly consist of three workshops, at least one in presence.
First workshop
The first workshop shall set the scene for the further work and give an overview about experiences and approaches in the included aspects. The aspects shall be dealt with through presentations and discussions about case study experiences or scientific studies. Ongoing activities and experiences from members in Mission Innovation “Net-Zero Industries” shall also be presented.
Second and third workshops
Objectives and contents of these two workshops will be identified by the Subtask Manager in cooperation with the participating organizations, based on the outcome of the first workshop. The main aim is to discuss and evaluate in more detail the aspects listed under “Objectives and Scope”.
A relevant outcome of the third workshop should also be the development and definition of further interesting and relevant subtasks. These will form the work program for the following years.
The main deliverables in the Subtask 1 will be the Final Subtask Report, which will include:
- Presentations, discussion results and conclusions from each workshop
- References to recently finished and ongoing projects in participating organisations (with short descriptions when applicable)
- General findings and conclusions
- Suggestion for further work in the Task (Proposal(s) for (an) upcoming subtask(s))