A new Legal Text has been adopted

The IEA Governing Board approved a new Framework, i.e., a high-level document that provides the legal basis for the Technology Collaboration Programme, in April 2020. For all TCPs, this caused the need to amend the Implementing Agreement (or Legal Text) to incorporate new Framework.

For the IETS TCP, a draft Legal Text was developed by the IEA Legal Office, together with the IETS Chair and Secretariat, and discussed at the ExCo meeting in November. A final version of the new Legal Text was up for unanimous decision by the IETS ExCo in December and will be implemented in terminology, procedures, documents etc. during 2021. The most visible change will be to the project structure: Annexes will from now on be called Tasks to conform with the rest of the TCPs.

The IETS TCP is the third TCP to complete the process, with several others expected in early 2021. the IETS TCP was granted a “conditional extension” with an intermediate deadline to adopt the new Framework of February 2022.

The new Legal Text includes improvements in four areas:

  • Adopts recommended language to enhance clarity
  • Brings consistency across all TCPs in structure and terminology
  • Implements new engagement tools for TCPs
  • Simplifies administrative processes and procedures

The Implementation Agreement/Legal Text is a detailed agreement on the specific terms and conditions of participation:

  • Details of Executive Committee
    Responsibilities, membership, voting rules, procedures
  • Details of Tasks (formerly called Annexes)
    Process for establishing and joining, contents
  • Rights and responsibilities of Participants
    Financial obligations, dispute settlement
  • Secretary and Task Operating Agents (formerly called Annex Managers)
    Designation process, legal rights and responsibilities
  • Process for new Participants to join the TCP
    Approval requirements, necessary paperwork, administrative steps

Link to the new Legal Text – amended on 8 February 2021