Engage in the Advancement of Industrial Excess Heat Utilization
In the end of 2024, we asked the IETS Task Managers to reflect on the past year and lean forward into the year to come.
“We are excited to share the latest progress and upcoming activities for Task XV – Subtask 4, focusing on the utilization of industrial waste heat,” says René Hofmann, Task Manager for Task XV – Industrial Excess Heat Recovery. He mentions the following highlights:
Key Achievements:
- Enhanced Collaboration: Strengthened international partnerships through successful project sessions and a first workshop.
- Project presentation sessions on #1 8.10, #2 22.10.2024
- Successful organization of initial project sessions and a database workshop 2.12.2024.
- Recordings available on the TU Wien – Institute for Energy Systems and Thernodynamics-YouTube channel for wider dissemination.
Upcoming Events:
- Networking Event: Rescheduled to January 28-29, 2025, due to weather conditions.
- In-Person Meeting: Planned for March 2025 at industrial Partner, featuring on-site visits and knowledge transfer sessions.
Engagement Opportunities:
- Workshops for 2025: Focus on strategic planning, process integration and innovative waste heat projects.
- Future Sessions: A second workshop on “Industrial Symbiosis: Process Integration for Future Changes in Industrial Energy Systems” is scheduled, emphasizing risk assessment and strategic planning.
Impact and Future Plans:
- Expanding Knowledge: Ongoing efforts to improve understanding of waste heat potential and industrial symbiosis.
- Strategic Integration: Addressing future changes in industrial energy systems and enhancing project efficiency.
- Database Workshop: Further development of ideas enabling a database for waste heat projects.
Join us in our upcoming events and contribute to the advancement of industrial waste heat utilization. Your participation and support are crucial to our continued success!