Industrial Excess Heat Recovery
Start date 2011-01-01
End date 2025-10-31
Recent developments
The proposal for Subtask 4 of this Task (formerly called Annex) was approved by the IETS ExCo in January and it started in October 2024. Please contact Tasks Manager Rene Hofmann for participation or more information.
The Final Report from Task 3 is available.
Subtask 4
The start of Subtask 4 was approved by the IETS ExCo in January 2024. Read the Subtask proposal.
Task Members
Austria, Canada, France, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland.
Task Manager
Rene Hofmann, ATU Wien, Austria.
Objectives and Scope
The objectives of Subtask 4 are:
- to enhance international collaboration in the field of industrial excess heat usage and industrial symbiosis,
- to create a platform within IEA for sharing experiences and findings in R&D projects in the three activity areas included in this proposal,
- to improve the knowledge in participating countries in the combination of methods for excess heat identification and quantification,
- to exchange experience about strategic planning and risk mitigation in excess heat projects
- to broaden awareness about consequences for excess heat levels of future changes in industrial energy systems
- to continue work on an online database for excess heat projects that can be efficiently used for future assessments to form clear, replicable strategies and guidelines,
- to enhance knowledge about consequences for the performance of industrial excess heat projects of different possible future innovative developments to identify future plans or trends in participating countries.
Activities in Subtask 4
The Subtask is organised in the following activites:
- The role of excess heat in industry and industrial symbiosis
- Strategic process integration/intensification for future changes in industrial energy systems
- Ongoing projects at different TRL levels and systematical knowledge transfer
The deliverables in the Subtask will be:
- a synthesis report on findings in the projects included in the Subtask as well as reported in literature, divided into the three activities,
- one report on discussion points and findings in the workshops included in the Subtask (to be included in the synthesis report),
- a recommendation for further work internationally (to be included in the synthesis report),
- one report from each participant project (one or more per country).
Previous scope and work
Task 3, May 2019 – December 2022
Information about the scope and outcome of Task 3
Task 2, October 2016 – December 2018
Information about the scope and outcome of Task 2
Phase/Task 1
Final report Phase 1, 5 May 2015 + Appendix 1: Climate Consequences of Using Industrial Excess Heat or CHP
Prepared by Thore Berntsson and Anders Åsblad CIT Industriell Energi AB, Sweden
Appendix 3: Workshops in Lisbon 26-27 May 2014 and Copenhagen 24-25 February 2015:
Information about the initial scope and outcome of this Annex