IETS Annex XI and IEA Bioenergy Task 33 – Joint workshop
System and Integration Aspects of Biomass-based Gasification
a Joint Workshop between IEA Bioenergy, Task 33, and IEA Industrial Energy-related Technologies and Systems, Annex XI
The workshop was held in Gothenburg, Sweden, on November 19-20, 2013, and attracted 65 participants from 11 countries. The overall aim was to initiate a dialogue across the technology/system interface, as well as on methods and results for technical, economic and environmental evaluations of integrated biomass-based gasification systems. Besides presentations and group discussions, participants had the opportunity to go on a site visit to G teborg Energi GoBiGas, the first industrial scale plant (20 MW product) for SNG production using indirect gasification plant.
Click here to access some of the presentations held at the workshop.
Access the participants list here.