Final Report: Annex XV, Task 2 – Industrial Excess Heat Recovery

The main background to the annex is the increasing awareness about industrial excess heat as a potential resource for contributing to an improved economy and sustainability in larger systems.
Annex XV Task 1 was finalized in the spring 2015. Based on the Task 1 results, four areas for further work were identified, which became the four subtasks in Task 2. They are:

  • In-depth evaluation and inventory of excess heat levels
  • Methodology on how to perform an inventory in practice
  • Possible policy instruments and the influence on future use of excess heat
  • Technology Development

In Task 2, groups from Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden participated. The deliverables from Task 2 are:

  • a synthesis report on findings in the projects included in the task as well as reported in
    literature, as well as findings from the Task 2 meetings,
  • a recommendation for further work internationally (included in the synthesis report),
  • one report from each participant project (one or more per country).

There have been in total 11 meetings in the task, including 3 face-to-face meetings.

The final report is prepared by Thore Berntsson & Anders Åsblad, CIT Industriell Energi AB, Sweden, supported by the country representatives.

Files for download

Final Report: Annex XV, Task 2 – Industrial Excess Heat Recovery – Technologies and Applications (pdf)

Appendix –  references literature search (pdf)

Country report – Austria (zip)

Country report – Canada (zip)

Country report – Denmark (zip)

Country report – France (zip)

Country report – Germany (zip)

Country report – Italy (zip)

Country report – Norway (zip)

Country report – Portugal (zip)

Country report – Sweden (zip)

All information about the Annex can be found in the Annexes section of the website.