Annex XV – Task 2
The original Tasks (Phase 1) of this Annex were completed in 2015 However, the Annex work continued in October 2016 with a second phase, called Task 2, which is now concluded and the Final Report will be published shortly. A Task 3 will start during 2019.
Organizations from new IETS member countries Austria, Canada and France as well as an Italian organization (sponsor) has joined during Task 2.
The final report from Task 2 of this Annex is available for download.
Annex Members
- Austria: Technische Universität Wien (TUW), AEE – Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC), Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), and Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz
- Canada: Natural Resources Canada – CanmetENERGY
- Denmark: Weel & Sandvig
- France: Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Énergie (ADEME), and Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques (CETIAT)
- Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM, Freiburg
- Italy: Eurac Research
- Norway: SINTEF
- Portugal: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), and the National Group for Process Integration (GNIP)
- Sweden: Linköping University (LiU), Chalmers University of Technology, and Faculty of Engineering Lund University (LTH)
Annex Manager
Thore Berntsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
New Annex Manager for Task 3, starting in October 2019: Rene Hofmann, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria.
In energy-intensive basic industries, such as chemicals, petroleum refining, iron and steelmaking, and pulp and paper, energy systems are the backbone of the manufacturing process and crucial to profitability and competitiveness. Changes in the efficiency and environmental performance of critical energy systems can significantly impact the cost of production. The diverse and widespread use of energy systems across industrial sectors creates numerous opportunities for energy efficiency improvements with potentially broad international impacts. Industries and processes are where the greatest potential energy benefits are to be gained.
Objectives and Scope
The Annex takes on a multi-disciplinary approach to the concept of excess heat recovery integrated in industrial complexes, aiming at the optimization of energy efficiency in global terms. The approach is based on industry needs and application, combining the knowledge of industrial technologies with energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
The main objectives of Task 2 are:
- To enhance international collaboration in the field of industrial excess heat usage.
- To create a platform within IEA for sharing experiences and findings in R&D projects in the four areas
- In-depth evaluation and inventory of excess heat levels
- Methodology on how to perform an inventory in practice
- Possible policy instruments and the influence on future use of excess heat
- Technology Development
- To improve the knowledge in participating countries of technical and economic potentials for industrial excess heat usage, internally and externally, of experiences of and results from inventory studies in different types of industry and different countries.
- To exchange experience of conducting inventory studies.
- To enhance knowledge about consequences for the performance, economically and in terms of sustainability, of industrial excess heat projects of different possible future developments of policy instruments and to identify future plans or trends for policy instrument development in participating countries.
The subtasks of Task 2 are:
Subtask 1: In-depth evaluation and inventory of excess heat levels
Subtask 2: Methodology on how to perform an inventory in practice
Subtask 3: Possible policy instruments and the influence on future use of excess heat
Subtask 4: Technology development
Deliverables/Report for download
The results of Task 2 are:
- A synthesis report on findings in the projects included in the task as well as reported in literature, divided into the four subtasks
- One report on discussion points and findings in the workshops included in the Task (to be included in the synthesis report)
- A recommendation for further work internationally (to be included in the synthesis report)
- One report from each participant project (one or more per country)
The final report from Task 2 of this Annex is available for download.