Annex XV – Task 3
Task 3
The start of Task 3 was approved by the IETS ExCo in May 2019 and was concluded in 2022. The Final Report is available.
Annex Members
Austria, Canada, France, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland.
Annex Manager
New Annex Manager for Task 3, starting in October 2019: Rene Hofmann, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria.
The titel of Task 3 is: Combination of Methods and Operational Aspects for Industrial Excess Heat-Available Resources, Risk Minimization and Consequences of Future Changes in the Energy System. The main background for this annex is the increasing awareness about industrial excess heat as a potential resource for contributing to an improved economy and sustainability in larger systems. Although industrial excess heat has been used and is being used to a large extent internationally, the potential for an even wider use is considered to be substantial. It can be used
- internally in an industry for primary energy saving
- in another industry or other industries in an industrial cluster
- between an industry/ industrial cluster and a district heating system
- between an industry/industrial cluster and e. g. greenhouses
- as a heat source in refrigeration plants for industrial or district cooling
Objectives and Scope
The objectives of Task 3 are
- to enhance international collaboration in the field of industrial excess heat usage,
- to create a platform within IEA for sharing experiences and findings in R&D projects in the five areas included in this proposal,
- to improve the knowledge in participating countries regarding the combination of methods for excess heat identification and quantification,
- to address to operational aspects, e.g. monitoring, control
- to exchange experience about risk minimization in excess heat projects
- to broaden awareness about consequences for excess heat levels of future changes in industrial energy systems
- to enhance knowledge about consequences for the performance, economically and in terms of sustainability, of industrial excess heat projects of different possible future innovative developments to identify future plans or trends in participating countries.
Subtasks in Task 3
The current subtasks are:
Subtask 1: Combination of methods for excess heat identification and quantification
Subtask 2: Consequences for excess heat levels of future changes in industrial energy systems
Subtask 3: Operational aspects in industrial energy systems
Subtask 4: Opportunity and risk assessment for excess heat Projects
Subtask 5: Compilation of innovative excess heat projects
The results of the Task were to be:
- a synthesis report on findings in the projects included in the Task as well as reported in literature, divided into the five subtasks,
- one report on discussion points and findings in the workshops included in the Task (to be included in the synthesis report),
- a recommendation for further work internationally (to be included in the synthesis report),
- one report from each participant project (one or more per country).
- dissemination activities of each participating country.