Workshop on Deep Decarbonization in Industry – presentations available

The process industry was in focus when 50 international experts met in Vienna for a workshop on deep decarbonization in industry 9-11 October.

The aim was to highlight the importance of process industry in radical GHG mitigation, to point out opportunities and hurdles, to identify need for further international R,D&D and for knowledge transfer to strategic industrial and policy decision makers.

A report and findings from the workshop will be distributed to governmental and industry organizations as well as in the IETS international network.

Presentations are available for download:

Background, Aims and Sessions
Thore Berntsson, Chair of the IETS TCP

Session 1: Roadmaps

Chair: Stefan Lechtenböhmer, Wuppertal Institute, Germany and Lund University, Sweden

Session 2: Technologies

Chair: Andrea Ramirez, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

Session 3: Industrial Systems

Chair: Rene Hofmann, Vienna University of Technology and AIT, Centre for Energy, Austria

Session 4: Industry in a Circular Economy

Chair: Philippe Navarri, CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada

Session 5: Innovation, Business Models, Risk

Chair: Chris Bataille, IDDRI, Paris and Simon Fraser University, Canada

Session 6: Policy, Strategy, International Cooperation

Chair: Elvira Lutter, Climate and Energy Fund, Austria