
Two new Topic Sheets available

Two new Topic Sheets available

We regularly publish “Topic Sheets”, i.e. 2-4 page documents – based on e.g. a report from workshop or part of an Annex – presenting a specific subject in a concise way. Read more »

Where is industrial electrification at?

Where is industrial electrification at?

In collaboration with Delft University of Technology's e-Refinery institute the IETS TCP is organizing a webinar, aiming at identifying key activities and hotspots in industrial electrification for the new Annex XIX - Electrification in Industry. Read more »

Experts on GHG mitigation are meeting for workshop in Vienna

Experts on GHG mitigation are meeting for workshop in Vienna

The main goal of the workshop is to highlight the importance of process industry in radical GHG mitigation, to point out opportunities and hurdles and to identify hotspots for further RD&D. Another key aspect will be the transferring of knowledge to strategic industrial and policy decision makers. Read more »

New paper: Designing Policies and Programmes for Improved Energy Efficiency in Industrial SMEs

In most countries, industrial small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent 95% or more of the total number of companies. Thus, SMEs, apart from using energy, are a major driver in the economy with regard to innovation, GDP growth, employment, investments, exports, etc. Despite this, research and policy activities related to SMEs have been scarce, calling for contributions in the field. Read more »

Italy has joined the IETS TCP

Italy has joined the IETS TCP

As of July 11, 2019, Italy is officially a full member of the IETS TCP. Italy is represented by the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – ENEA. Two Italian organisations,… Read more »

“2019 is a key year for innovation”

“2019 is a key year for innovation”

The third IEA TCP universal meeting provided an opportunity for innovators and strategic thinkers to discuss key trends, which will support future IEA activities related to energy technology, research and innovation. Read more »

News from the EUBCE conference

News from the EUBCE conference

On Monday 27th May in Lisbon, Portugal, the EUBCE 2019, 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, opened its door to a record edition with 1,600 delegates from almost 80 countries and 43 exhibitors. Read more »